Monday, October 18

Purple Wedding to the Moon

Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens are preparing to marry the moon next Saturday on October 23rd, in their purple themed performance art party in Los Angeles. Afterwards there will be an "Eco Sex Symposium" where Tantra Theater and Eco-Elf will make an appearance on Sunday.
     Someone read about the wedding on the Altadena Blog and complained, which resulted in the LAPD declaring that the wedding "posed a threat to public safety." This led the Parks Department to illegally cancel our venue contract at the last minute. Due to the generosity and great connections of Reverend Billy and his partner Savatri D. we were able to enlist a wonderful first amendment lawyer, Terry Gross, who stepped in and heroically helped us get us our venue back.

    Their production costs have increased due to the controversy around the park contact. In addition to the guards we had already hired we have to hire 2 more guards, get extra insurance, possibly buy fire permits (for flaming pasties for christ's sake) and rent more space at the park. Anyhow we are complying with these demands as we love the park and because we are lovers, not fighters-except in cases where injustice and discrimination are clearly present.

     This is why they're asking you to consider become a Kickstarter backer of our Purple Wedding to the Moon and the first ever EcoSex Symposium Honeymoon at Highways Performance space next weekend. You can help make the environmental movement more sexy, fun and diverse with us.

Click this link for details.

    Watch this short (2 min.) film. These weddings are not only about us but about issues that are way bigger than any two people will ever be. We are helping create a new ecosexual revolution which we believe will garner more love for the earth and possibly slow down the destruction of our planet by those who do not respect most forms of life; queer or otherwise, as the last few weeks of depressing news has made clear again and again.

     For more information on the Purple Wedding to the Moon and then in November our Purple Wedding to the Appalachian Mountains see Click the "Now Appearing" button.
Much Love,
Beth and Annie

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