Thursday, June 3

Bit by an Angel

I think I've been  bit. The symptoms are comeplete re-organization of my home. I've been saying I've been bit by the Feng Shui bug, but according to Doreen Virtue she's not an insect at all, she's an angel. Archangel Jophiel.

"This archangel’s name means ‘beauty of God’, and she’ll beautify every area of your life. She’s a ‘feng shui’ angel, meaning that she’ll compel you to clear your space by donating unneeded items, straightening your living or work areas, and filling your space with items imbued with high energy (like crystals, plants, and flowers). Jophiel can help with any aspect of aesthetics, such as guiding your wardrobe, hair, or makeup. Call upon Jophiel if your thoughts become negative, and she’ll instantly beautify your mind with positive ones."
Thus, it would make sense for me to call upon Archangel Jophiel to help me organize...but I'm a little confused because "There is not much written in traditional lore about Archangel Jophiel." Most sources suggest that SHE is actually a HE and that He is responsible for driving Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.  I'm not sure I want to call on this poisonous hermaphrodite? Can anyone hlep shine a yellow ray of wisdom on this archtype for me?
In the meantime I'm calling on my friend, sister in Truth, Goddess Laura Lee because she is an awesome Feng Shui Consultant and I would recommend her to anyone. She can be reached at I hope to have my house in shape by Saturday's Sacred Snuggle Party.

1 comment:

Asttarte Deva said...

Beautiful Kamala, I love your post and what you are up to. I say go for it, call upon Archangel Jophiel. Trust your gut of what you believe is true for you about her.

I believe it is a her, and from the writing I just read it said: "Jophiel's name means "beauty of God". This archangel is known as "The Patron of Artists." She was present during the Garden of Eden, and later, she watched over Noah's sons."

"Jophiel helps with artistic projects and illuminates our creative spark. She gives us creative ideas and the energy to carry out artistic ventures. Jophiel also helps us create beauty at home, at work, and in our relationships. She helps us to slow down and smell the roses."

"Archangel Jophiel has an uplifting energy that's fun and pleasant to be around. She's friendly and positive, like an ideal best friend. She says, "Worry never helped anything, so why turn to it during times of need? It won't nurture or heal you-- quite the opposite actually. It's so much better to put the effort into something creative as a way to quietly meditate through positive action. Create, create, create! In this way, you mirror God's own creativity. That's why you feel closest to God when you're fully engaged in writing, speaking, and other artistic projects."

The invocation says, "if you find yourself in an ugly situation, chances are good that ugly thoughts helped to manifest it. Call upon Jophiel to turn things around:

Archangel Jophiel, please help me with {describe the situation}. Thank you for helping me see the inner Divine beauty within myself and everyone involved. Thank you for the intervention in creating a beautiful outcome. In gratitude, and in the name that all is beautiful, I thank you, Jophiel."

And, I thank you Kamala, for bringing this to my attention. I let myself go down in being over-concerned for my brother, and this is exactly the perfect intention I needed. I'm going to create something artistic myself! Namaste, Asttarte