Wednesday, September 21

Shedding light on the Tantra Temple Raid

By Kamala Devi, Author of Don't Drink the Punch, Sacred Sexual Healing, Tantra Teacher and Sacred Sex and Open Relationship Coach


Anonymous said...

my comment is simply
thank you
thank you for bringing light to darkness in approaching the situation with an open heart of love and perspective
I am Tracy's sister-biologically
She has always been spiritually minded and driven to help others
She simply is selfless and is labeled by others with shame and hate
so much so- that should be put in a high security prison with a million dollar bail
Love can find a way....I pray and hope it does

Anonymous said...

my comment is simply
thank you
thank you for bringing light to darkness in approaching the situation with an open heart of love and perspective
I am Tracy's sister-biologically
She has always been spiritually minded and driven to help others
She simply is selfless and is labeled by others with shame and hate
so much so- that should be put in a high security prison with a million dollar bail
Love can find a way....I pray and hope it does