Sunday, January 10

Post Conference Shamanatrix Celebration

After the conference for sacred sexual educators in Sydney, our tribe returned to Fiona's tree house for a playful celebration of dark tantra.  With food, costumes and toys we took turns experimenting with paddles and flogs. What a memorable last night with my tribe in Australia. 
Please note these playful, performative photos have nothing to do with the conference and do NOT represent the international school of temple arts.
unfortunately, the conference was so intense and immersive that I don't have a single photo of the amazing land, conference center, or phenomenal teachers.  The scope and magnitude of learning and healing that happened here is a confirmation that I am on my path and living my purpose.  I am overflowing with gratitude to Baba Dez and the sedona temple for it's global mission to bring more heaven to earth. 

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