I'm a self-help junkie and that extends to podcasts and DVDs. I want to be the best person I can be. Lately I've been learning a lot about relationships and how to make them work, as well as my role in said relationships. This DVD offers a fresh, honest and out-of-the ordinary look at how to master romantic partnerships.
But wait, this isn't just your regular feel-good collection of mumbo-jumbo marriage therapy diced and sliced into bites of information. Rather, this DVD explores real-world issues in a way you've probably never considered. Or if you have, you might have felt bad about it or thought you were alone. While Earning Your Black Belt in Relationships focuses mainly on how to make polyamorous--or "open"--relationships work, the ideas presented are excellent tools for any relationship. Even single people can take the ideas and apply them to their lives. The best viewer for this DVD isn't someone who's solely interested or labeled as polyamorous, but rather someone who is tired of making the same mistakes and wants to delve into different ways of thinking and being that actually work.
Sex and relationship coaches Kamala Devi and Reid Mihalko share tools and tricks to successfully sustaining multiple open relationships. That's right, more than one. And guess what? If you can't get one right, it's not likely you'll be able to get more than one right. So start small and blossom as your communication and awareness skills grow.
There are 10 chapters in this DVD, and the "lessons" spell out BLACKBELTS, which also echoes a fun ninja theme (it's subtle, but clever). Mihalko and Devi explore the lessons in detail after you watch intriguing, real-life footage about the topic from people who live it. And no, not everyone is labeled as strictly polyamorous. One person is single and "poly-curious." Another is monogamous but open-minded. Each topic ends with an exercise or "mission" to help anchor the ideas presented. Here's a peek into the chapters:
1. Be Real: learn to be transparent - This chapter stresses how important it is to know who you are and what you really need. This is easier said than done, as many people live in a fog much of their lives. So before you do anything, get in touch with your authentic self.
2. Labels and Lovestyles: define your own terms - Figure out what works for you in relationship. Be specific and know that there are many different "fits" or "configurations." You may even choose to not label yourself, but know that you still need to be able to communicate your needs, and words might be necessary.
3. Agreements and Boundaries: authentic negotiations - This chapter explores the importance of setting clear agreements and boundaries. Communication and transparency are the keywords here. When you know what works for you and you ask for what you need to feel safe, you create more freedom. These can evolve over time. The "mission" here is to determine what your bottom line is.
4. Clear Communication: express yourself fully - Without clear communication, you are not going to make it. If you like to withhold information or if you are unable to listen to and hear your partner, you have work to do. Develop your ability to speak your truth and hear your partner. Say what's not being said.
5. Know your needs: and how to get them met - This chapter talks about "needs work," which is pretty deep emotional work. You are in charge of your own needs. Be aware of what your needs are and meet them in a healthy way--needs aren't bad. Use the communication skills you learned in previous chapters.
6. Break-ups and Transitions: let go with grace - Change is inevitable and break-ups aren't necessarily bad. Longevity is a "horrible metric with which to measure the quality of a relationship." Relationships are organic and seasonal. Be realistic about what's healthy.
7. Emotions are Welcome: honor your feelings - Believe it or not, it is all right to feel whatever it is you are feeling. Be willing to express yourself and be willing to hold space for your partnerships. Emotions are meant to be felt. You can raise your emotional intelligence and apply it to your relationships.
8. Learning Curve: give yourself room to grow - This chapter normalizes the time it takes to get things "right." Be gentle with yourself and see relationships as growth opportunities. Don't try to be perfect. Expect breakdowns and work with them. Welcome the learning curve, learn and apply the lessons.
9. Takes a Tribe: creating alternative community - Surround yourself with support, community or tribe. Don't isolate yourself. This can be online, a potluck, church, whatever works for you.
10. Sex and Spirituality: honoring your lovers and self - Approach your relationships with a sacredness and respect, regardless of whether or not it's "mystical." Elevate it to a higher co-creation. Be free from guilt, shame and fear.
Devi and Mihalko are real and engaging, and their down-to-earth rapport is charming. While the camera work is a little shaky at times, the content is so strong and the advice so compelling, it's easy to forgive. Get ready to open your mind and your heart with this entertaining, educational and endearing DVD.
This Review is written by Joyful Body Mind and Spirit on Amazon. She is a San Diego Based writer, healer and performance artist. Her review can be found: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002Y272GM/ref=cm_pdp_rev_itm_img_1
Join world renowned sex educators and relationship "black belts" Kamala Devi and Reid Mihalko as they celebrate the launch of their newest and most powerful educational DVD THIS SATURDAY IN SD! Mingle and connect with a bevy of like-minded, amazing and exciting people!Your very own copy of the DVD to take home with you is included in the launch party's $19.95 admission! To reserve your space write kamala@blisscoach.com
Wednesday, January 27
Tuesday, January 26
D. J. Sullivan is honored at the Theater Party of the Year!
When my beloved Michael turned 40 he realized that he always wanted to be an actor and it was high time he started acting classes. This was a bold and eye-opening experience for the whole family. He insisted on learning from the best teacher in San Diego and that is how I met. D.J. Sullivan.
D.J. Sullivan has been directing and Teaching actors for over 40 years. Her students have included Tony Award winners Brian Stokes-Mitchell ("Kiss Me Kate") and Christian Hoff ("Jersey Boys") as well as Academy Award Nominee Annette Bening ("American Beauty").
Every year Sullivan invites us to her red carpet Academy Awards Party where we dress up and gather around the big screen while gambling on who's going to win the Oscars.
But this year, she called to invite us to a formal cocktail party held at the Contemporary museum of art which proved an event like no other. On Jan. 25, 2010, the San Diego Theatre Critics Circle presented the eighth annual Craig Noel Awards for Excellence in Theatre, honoring DJ Sullivan for a lifetime achievement award.
As an actress D.J. Sullivan has appeared on such Television shows as "Murder She Wrote" , " General Hospital", Pensacola Wings of Gold", "Dallas", and "Beretta" . But her greatest fame is from her involvement in all four "Killer Tomato" movies!!! I encourage you to check out her website...
And if you want to read some wonderful reviews for local theater go to The San Diego Theatre Critics Circle’s website: http://sdcriticscircle.org/mainpages/reviews.htm
I look forward to getting Tantra Theater reviewed in the near future. And there will be a day when our backyard theater efforts will be recognized on a larger stage as well. Come out to support the arts. Our next show is scheduled for Feb. 6th and if you want more details please go to http://www.tantratheater.tv/
D.J. Sullivan has been directing and Teaching actors for over 40 years. Her students have included Tony Award winners Brian Stokes-Mitchell ("Kiss Me Kate") and Christian Hoff ("Jersey Boys") as well as Academy Award Nominee Annette Bening ("American Beauty").
Every year Sullivan invites us to her red carpet Academy Awards Party where we dress up and gather around the big screen while gambling on who's going to win the Oscars.
But this year, she called to invite us to a formal cocktail party held at the Contemporary museum of art which proved an event like no other. On Jan. 25, 2010, the San Diego Theatre Critics Circle presented the eighth annual Craig Noel Awards for Excellence in Theatre, honoring DJ Sullivan for a lifetime achievement award.
As an actress D.J. Sullivan has appeared on such Television shows as "Murder She Wrote" , " General Hospital", Pensacola Wings of Gold", "Dallas", and "Beretta" . But her greatest fame is from her involvement in all four "Killer Tomato" movies!!! I encourage you to check out her website...
And if you want to read some wonderful reviews for local theater go to The San Diego Theatre Critics Circle’s website: http://sdcriticscircle.org/mainpages/reviews.htm
I look forward to getting Tantra Theater reviewed in the near future. And there will be a day when our backyard theater efforts will be recognized on a larger stage as well. Come out to support the arts. Our next show is scheduled for Feb. 6th and if you want more details please go to http://www.tantratheater.tv/
Saturday, January 23
Tantra Theater Audtions Winter 2010
The theme of this season's Tantra Theater course is: Shamanic Storytelling!
Following are four peices of literature that participants were asked to read, mime or act-out during the auditions. Afterwards, I was truly speachless! For fun videos and pictures check out http://www.tantratheater.tv/
The people you have had sexual relationships with are attached to your sacral chakra. The people with whom you've experienced conflict are attached to your solar plexus. Those who you grieve over are attached to your heart chakra. Those with whom you've had painful relationships, or relationships where you carried all the weight, are attached to your shoulders. This is, in my experience, the root cause of shoulder and neck pain." --Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.,"
So, just a few minutes ago, in the shower, some thought came to me which made me laugh, and then I vaguely saw something. It was a man with a prominent nose, long purple hair, and gray eyes. Didn't give me his name. I started spitting water at him in the shower, and he just stayed there with a Mona Lisa-esque smile on his face. Then, once, he took the water I spit at him and chucked it back at me, and told me to stop.... Then he told me to stop the shower, dry off, and check my cell phone because my friend had called back. I saw that my friend had actually called back, telling me he's running a little bit late...That's basically how I Met My Spirit Guide in the Shower
I looked about to decide what I wanted to shift into and saw a honeybee working a purple delphinium. I thought, Whell, I have never been a bee before. Let's try that. I shifted my consciousness and energy form to match that with the form of this bee, I began to feel the speed of wings, the complex vision, the mesmerizing beauty of the flower and the urgency of my work. It was a light touch, just a sensing of really what it is like to be a bee. Fascinating, I thought. I should come back later when I can be more focused, and explore bee-ingness. I laughed at my silly pun and began to shift back to more regular consciousness so that I would be at least present enough to handle the social graces of greeting my client.-- urbanshamanism(dot)com
"The world is as you dream it, " he said at last. "Your people dreamed of huge factories, tall buildings, as many cars as there are raindrops in this river. Now you begin to see that your dream is a nightmare." He bent to pick up a stone. "The problem is your country is like this pebble." He threw it far out into the river. "Everything you do ripples across the Mother.
-- Numi, Shuar Shaman
http://www.blisscoach.com/ http://www.tantratheater.tv/
Thursday, January 21
Free Audio: How to write a book in 90 days
Can you see yourself as a published author?
"I've done it for 3 of my own books, and helped dozens of students become authors within record time and at minimal cost." --Kamala Devi, Creativity Coach
If you are interested in the 90 day journey, here are the FACTS to help you prepare:
The Tele-course Runs Thursdays from 1pm-2:30pm Jan. 28 Feb. 4,11,18 March 4,11,18 April 1,8,15,22 There will be optional 30 min. check-ins on some Tuesdays at 1pm. Please call EARLY and find a quiet space where you can concentrate and take notes. Prepare to be focused for anywhere between 75min-90min! Who?
The course is limited to 12 creative, ambitious and spiritual writers. Ask yourself: Do I have a concept for my book, a telephone and a burning desire to become an author!? If you answered yes, this class is probably for you!
The comfort of your own home, this course is offered by telephone so that you can spend your time writing instead of driving.
Here are the Top Ten Reasons to Write a Book:
1. Dramatically expand your earning potential.
2. Instantly increase your credibility.
3. Fame--You can hang out with other famous authors.
3. Travel on book tour and research new subjects.
4. Express your personal world view.
5. Passive Income.
6. Expand your network and database.
7. Get booked for speaking engagements.
8. Authors are immortal.
9. Reach more people with your message.
10. Help others.
How much?
Course Tuition is usually $497. Kamala is extending the early bird offer of $100 off to anyone who registers on the Fre'e Introductory call. But you MUST register on the 21st. If you cannot pay online, please send a check payable to Zendow, Inc. c/o Kamala Devi 1140 Emerald St. San Diego, CA 92109. (If necessary, talk to kamala about a payment plan of two $250 payments. kamala@blisscoach.com)
Can you really complete a book in 90 days?
Ask these Successful Graduates:
Kypris Aster Drake, Author of Journey to Sexual Wholeness
Vicki Vantoch, Author of The Threesome Handbook
Mariette Pan, Author of Dream Spinner
Bad Girl Liz, Author of What Color are Your Stripper Shoes?
Grandpa Jack, Author of Airplanes don't wear Skis Grampa
Robin Dorhn Simpson, A Peruvian Adventure
Tiffany Silver, How to L.O.V.E.
Nancy Grace Rosen, Your Breath is a Portal
Diana Jowswick, The Acupuncture Weight Loss Solution
Alex Charish, For you Oprah, A Diet and Workout for your Inner Child
and dozens more who've taken this revolutionary class!
Please note: not everyone who joins this class will write a book. However, you will not only learn the step by step formula for how to write a successful book, but you will likely write more than you have ever written in your entire life!
To Register: Call Kamala at 858-272-2254 or write Kamala@blisscoach.com
The following recording is only for registered students in the Winter 2010 class. Please respect the intellectual property of the following material:
In this 70 minute call you get a big picture overview of the five milestones of writing a book and a healthy dose of inspiration/motivation to boot!
"I've done it for 3 of my own books, and helped dozens of students become authors within record time and at minimal cost." --Kamala Devi, Creativity Coach
If you are interested in the 90 day journey, here are the FACTS to help you prepare:
The Tele-course Runs Thursdays from 1pm-2:30pm Jan. 28 Feb. 4,11,18 March 4,11,18 April 1,8,15,22 There will be optional 30 min. check-ins on some Tuesdays at 1pm. Please call EARLY and find a quiet space where you can concentrate and take notes. Prepare to be focused for anywhere between 75min-90min! Who?
The course is limited to 12 creative, ambitious and spiritual writers. Ask yourself: Do I have a concept for my book, a telephone and a burning desire to become an author!? If you answered yes, this class is probably for you!
The comfort of your own home, this course is offered by telephone so that you can spend your time writing instead of driving.
Here are the Top Ten Reasons to Write a Book:
1. Dramatically expand your earning potential.
2. Instantly increase your credibility.
3. Fame--You can hang out with other famous authors.
3. Travel on book tour and research new subjects.
4. Express your personal world view.
5. Passive Income.
6. Expand your network and database.
7. Get booked for speaking engagements.
8. Authors are immortal.
9. Reach more people with your message.
10. Help others.
How much?
Course Tuition is usually $497. Kamala is extending the early bird offer of $100 off to anyone who registers on the Fre'e Introductory call. But you MUST register on the 21st. If you cannot pay online, please send a check payable to Zendow, Inc. c/o Kamala Devi 1140 Emerald St. San Diego, CA 92109. (If necessary, talk to kamala about a payment plan of two $250 payments. kamala@blisscoach.com)
Can you really complete a book in 90 days?
Ask these Successful Graduates:
Kypris Aster Drake, Author of Journey to Sexual Wholeness
Vicki Vantoch, Author of The Threesome Handbook
Mariette Pan, Author of Dream Spinner
Bad Girl Liz, Author of What Color are Your Stripper Shoes?
Grandpa Jack, Author of Airplanes don't wear Skis Grampa
Robin Dorhn Simpson, A Peruvian Adventure
Tiffany Silver, How to L.O.V.E.
Nancy Grace Rosen, Your Breath is a Portal
Diana Jowswick, The Acupuncture Weight Loss Solution
Alex Charish, For you Oprah, A Diet and Workout for your Inner Child
and dozens more who've taken this revolutionary class!
Please note: not everyone who joins this class will write a book. However, you will not only learn the step by step formula for how to write a successful book, but you will likely write more than you have ever written in your entire life!
To Register: Call Kamala at 858-272-2254 or write Kamala@blisscoach.com
The following recording is only for registered students in the Winter 2010 class. Please respect the intellectual property of the following material:
First Class.
Second Class (This recording is from last quarter because the sound quality on yeserday's call was so terrible!)
Second Class (This recording is from last quarter because the sound quality on yeserday's call was so terrible!)
Wednesday, January 20
New Years Resolutions of a Creativity Coach
.jpg)
So I challenge you to ask:
1. What goals or resolutions do I want to manifest?
2. Why? (You've got to have a BURNING reason)
3. Where do I want to start? (What are my priorities? )
4. How much time is that going to take?
5. Block out specific times WHEN your going to work on it. And (here's the hard part) actually show up!!!
So, here I am now mustering the motivation to "walk the walk" so I won't feel like a hypocrite when I "talk the talk" on tomorrows "How to Write a Book in 90 Days" Tele-course where I teach that "writers block" is nothing more than the block you make in your calendar of when your going to sit down and actually write your book!
Here are my top 10 Big Hairy Goals for 2010 (For balance I make at least one goal in each aspect of life):
CREATIVITY: I am well supported while directing a core troupe of Tantra Theater players and paying them for their monthly performances while teaching classes to amatures and creating videos. Tantra Theater is successful, professional troupe which offers monthly performances and showcases at temples, conferences and festivals.
FAMILY: I am present and patient during my play time with Devin on Sundays and evenings during the last year before he goes to pre-school.
ROMANCE: I'm enjoying harmony in the household, weekly datenights and tantric lovemaking with my beloved while enjoying regular romantic weekends away.
ENVIRONMENT: We are building a spacious and organized office in our back house so that I can master time management and delegation and 3 year old Devin has his own room.
WELL-BEING: I am maintaining a daily practice of movement, morning pages and prayer at least 5 times per week for at least 30 minutes!
CAREER: I'm completing a manuscript on polyamory and having it published.
FINANCIAL: Through mutually beneficial privates, products and talks I am earning over a six figure income.
EDUCATION: I am enrolled in graduate studies for expressive Arts.
COMMUNITY: Tantra-Palooza is a San Diego based festival with 10 teachers and over 75 people that raises the vibration on the planet and transforms the teachers and participants as never before.
BONUS: I feel grounded and centered after I confidentlly perform my 45 minute radical one goddess show for a full house of at least 60 supportive audience members on or around May 5th 2010 (or a comperable multi-media production)
2. WHY?
I've journeyed at great length about specific reasons why I want to energize and achieve each goal. And it all seems to boil down to...PLAY, PLEASURE, REALIZE AND SERVE.
Ooohhhh, This is a tough call. But if I have to chose, I'm looking at my calendar and it makes the most sense for me to participate in my own 90 day courses, so, I'm going to say that my top three goals are Tantra Theater, Writing my book, and Maintaining my daily practices.
My Daily Practices takes about 1 hour each morning (excluding the weekends.)
I'll be hosting two sections of Tantra Theater (personal growth and transpersonal transformation) per week so will probably average 10 hours of rehearsal and 5 hours of homework per week.
If I include my teaching and bogging time my new book will probably take 15 hours per week.
OK, so now I'm going into my calendar and actually selecting times to schedule each of the 10 activities listed above.
Tell your friends and lovers what you are creating (and when) so they can hold you accountable. If you have a blog...you can post it there...If you don't you can comment on mine. Ofcourse, goals are organic and subject to change as the year moves along and new information and opportunities arise...but I encourage you to continue to update your goals on paper and notify your friends and lovers.
By Kamala Devi, Author of Don't Drink the Punch, Sacred Sexual Healing, Tantra Teacher and Sacred Sex and Open Relationship Coach www.BlissCoach.com
Back to the Drawing Board
All the big-wig success and self help gurus agree that failure is an essential part of success. The basic message is “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” --Robert Francis Kennedy
So, our mission, should we chose the path of personal growth, is to actually learn from our failures.
I recently set out to write a book about polyamory and failed. It was going to be an exciting co-creation with a beloved friend, teacher, artist, who I dubbed the "Relationship Rockstar." We co-created a detailed outline, he spent the first 3 months on first draft, and then we tested the material on our market with an amazing weekend workshop named after the book "FREE LOVE Can You Really Afford it?"
The success of the workshop somehow satisfied our need to share this material, because shortly afterwards we both got busy with media projects and other speaking engagements and after a series of missed calls and blog-to-book attempts, we decided to give up.
On the third time he came down to teach this workshop, the economy had turned and registration was low, so we were struck with the brilliant idea to create a DVD. Indeed, the failure of our book lead to the success creation of our new DVD, "Earning your BLACKBELT in Relationships by Kamala Devi & Reid Mihalko." Ooops, I was going to keep my co-author's name a secret in case he didn't want me blogging about his failures...but it slipped. Anyway, we'll be launching our new DVD with a fun release party in San Diego at 6:45pm on Jan. 30th. Release parties in San Fran and New York are also in the works.
Yet, I'm still left to ask...What did I learn from this failure? Perhaps a book wasn't the appropriate co-creation with this man. Perhaps it's easier for me to write alone. Perhaps the timing wasn't right. Who knows?
One thing I do know, I'm still driven to write a book about polyamory. I'll be starting a new class called "How to write a book in 90 days" which uses tantric principles to inspire creativity. And since I love how ego-confronting it is to blog I plan to resume uploading massive amounts of content about my tantra and poly lifestyle. I just thought I should let you know in case you want to become more intimately acquainted with my unique way of writing, living and loving. Further I ask you, dear reader, to post comments and encouragement to keep me accountable to writing over 70,000 words in the next 90 days, even if the content is raw, transparent and above all uninhibited.
By Kamala Devi, Author of Don't Drink the Punch, Sacred Sexual Healing, Tantra Teacher and Sacred Sex and Open Relationship Coach www.BlissCoach.com
So, our mission, should we chose the path of personal growth, is to actually learn from our failures.
I recently set out to write a book about polyamory and failed. It was going to be an exciting co-creation with a beloved friend, teacher, artist, who I dubbed the "Relationship Rockstar." We co-created a detailed outline, he spent the first 3 months on first draft, and then we tested the material on our market with an amazing weekend workshop named after the book "FREE LOVE Can You Really Afford it?"
The success of the workshop somehow satisfied our need to share this material, because shortly afterwards we both got busy with media projects and other speaking engagements and after a series of missed calls and blog-to-book attempts, we decided to give up.
On the third time he came down to teach this workshop, the economy had turned and registration was low, so we were struck with the brilliant idea to create a DVD. Indeed, the failure of our book lead to the success creation of our new DVD, "Earning your BLACKBELT in Relationships by Kamala Devi & Reid Mihalko." Ooops, I was going to keep my co-author's name a secret in case he didn't want me blogging about his failures...but it slipped. Anyway, we'll be launching our new DVD with a fun release party in San Diego at 6:45pm on Jan. 30th. Release parties in San Fran and New York are also in the works.
Yet, I'm still left to ask...What did I learn from this failure? Perhaps a book wasn't the appropriate co-creation with this man. Perhaps it's easier for me to write alone. Perhaps the timing wasn't right. Who knows?
One thing I do know, I'm still driven to write a book about polyamory. I'll be starting a new class called "How to write a book in 90 days" which uses tantric principles to inspire creativity. And since I love how ego-confronting it is to blog I plan to resume uploading massive amounts of content about my tantra and poly lifestyle. I just thought I should let you know in case you want to become more intimately acquainted with my unique way of writing, living and loving. Further I ask you, dear reader, to post comments and encouragement to keep me accountable to writing over 70,000 words in the next 90 days, even if the content is raw, transparent and above all uninhibited.
By Kamala Devi, Author of Don't Drink the Punch, Sacred Sexual Healing, Tantra Teacher and Sacred Sex and Open Relationship Coach www.BlissCoach.com
Monday, January 18
For Writers Only--free audio
Join me at 1pm this Thursday the 21st for a FRE'E info-packed tele-class to see if you have what it takes to write your book before Earth Day 2010.
Dial-in Number:(616) 597-8000
Access Code: write kamala@blisscoach.com
ENJOY This 75 minute call tells my TOP 10 Tips for writers who want to write a quality book in the shortest amount of time possible! ...OK...so the sound quality of the recording SUCKS...but if your a die hard writer...the content is INVALUABLE! Hope you'll join me for the 90 day course! Enjoy.
Dial-in Number:(616) 597-8000
Access Code: write kamala@blisscoach.com
ENJOY This 75 minute call tells my TOP 10 Tips for writers who want to write a quality book in the shortest amount of time possible! ...OK...so the sound quality of the recording SUCKS...but if your a die hard writer...the content is INVALUABLE! Hope you'll join me for the 90 day course! Enjoy.
Study on Multiply Partnered People
Have you ever been in romantic and/or sexual relationships with two or more people at the same time?
Were these relationships consensual among all parties, with each partner aware that you were in multiple intimate relationships?
Did at least one of these relationships last one (1) year or longer?
- - - - - -
If you answered yes to these questions, you are invited to share your experiences by participating in research on polyamory and those who choose to openly and consensually partner with multiple people simultaneously. If you and anyone you know who is multiply partnered wish to contribute to this study, please go to the secure research website or click on the link below to complete the on-line confidential, brief (15 minute) survey.
The researcher, Akhila E. A. Kolesar, is a doctoral student at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California. She may be reached at polyresearcher@yahoo.com or 1-877-433-5143.
Friday, January 15
3 Invitations to Boost Your Creativity in 2010
"God is really another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style. He just goes on trying other things." - Pablo Picasso
As an artist, my credo involves traveling to foreign lands to gather inspiration. I just returned from 5 weeks in Australia which offered a unique teaching because it is known as the land of dreamtime. Dreaming is an essential part of creativity. I find that my creative output waxes and wanes like the moon and solstice is a wonderful time to gestate and vision new ideas.
Learning is also important to the creative process. During my travels, I studied drumming, stand-up comedy and sound healing. What are your areas of creative studies? What have you been dreaming about? Are you paying attention to your intuition and recording your inspiration?
I challenge you to start manifesting those creative hits. Now is the time to write that book, learn to act, dance, sing, paint or play the guitar.
I know how terrifying it can feel. Your ego may even come up with a dozen convincing excuses why your not ready, but resistance and contraction are part of the creative birthing process. At core, we are all afraid to show our unique expression. That's why I suggest you surround yourself with a safe and experienced community of creative people.
I am an experienced midwife and would love to help you give birth to your full expression. I hereby invite you to join me on a 90 day creative journey towards your self realization. Here are three separate opportunities, and I'm offering the first meeting fre'e with no obligation to enroll:
1) How to write a book in 90 days
2) Tantra Theater
3) Artists way
Or perhaps you just want to be a part of a creative troupe and support others from behind the scenes? One of the many benefits of all of these classes is belonging to a sexy and fun spiritual community. I've updated my event calendar, so come out and play with us!
Kamala Devi
P.S. 10 Creativity Quotations:
1. Every act of creations is first an act of destruction--Pablo Picasso
2. Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of.-- Geri Weitzman
3. Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.--Mary Lou Cook
4. But, if you have nothing at all to create, then perhaps you create yourself.--Carl Gustav Jung
5. You can't wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club." - Jack London
6. Creativity - like human life itself - begins in darkness.-- Julia Cameron
7. The creative person is both more primitive and more cultivated, more destructive, a lot madder and a lot saner, than the average person.--Frank Barron
8. Another word for creativity is courage--George Prince
9. There's room for everybody on the planet to be creative and conscious if you are your own person. If you're trying to be like somebody else, then there is isn't. --Tori Amos
10. Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things.--Ray Douglas Bradbury
As an artist, my credo involves traveling to foreign lands to gather inspiration. I just returned from 5 weeks in Australia which offered a unique teaching because it is known as the land of dreamtime. Dreaming is an essential part of creativity. I find that my creative output waxes and wanes like the moon and solstice is a wonderful time to gestate and vision new ideas.
Learning is also important to the creative process. During my travels, I studied drumming, stand-up comedy and sound healing. What are your areas of creative studies? What have you been dreaming about? Are you paying attention to your intuition and recording your inspiration?
I challenge you to start manifesting those creative hits. Now is the time to write that book, learn to act, dance, sing, paint or play the guitar.
I know how terrifying it can feel. Your ego may even come up with a dozen convincing excuses why your not ready, but resistance and contraction are part of the creative birthing process. At core, we are all afraid to show our unique expression. That's why I suggest you surround yourself with a safe and experienced community of creative people.
I am an experienced midwife and would love to help you give birth to your full expression. I hereby invite you to join me on a 90 day creative journey towards your self realization. Here are three separate opportunities, and I'm offering the first meeting fre'e with no obligation to enroll:
1) How to write a book in 90 days
2) Tantra Theater
3) Artists way
Or perhaps you just want to be a part of a creative troupe and support others from behind the scenes? One of the many benefits of all of these classes is belonging to a sexy and fun spiritual community. I've updated my event calendar, so come out and play with us!
Kamala Devi
P.S. 10 Creativity Quotations:
1. Every act of creations is first an act of destruction--Pablo Picasso
2. Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of.-- Geri Weitzman
3. Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.--Mary Lou Cook
4. But, if you have nothing at all to create, then perhaps you create yourself.--Carl Gustav Jung
5. You can't wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club." - Jack London
6. Creativity - like human life itself - begins in darkness.-- Julia Cameron
7. The creative person is both more primitive and more cultivated, more destructive, a lot madder and a lot saner, than the average person.--Frank Barron
8. Another word for creativity is courage--George Prince
9. There's room for everybody on the planet to be creative and conscious if you are your own person. If you're trying to be like somebody else, then there is isn't. --Tori Amos
10. Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things.--Ray Douglas Bradbury
Sunday, January 10
Post Conference Shamanatrix Celebration
After the conference for sacred sexual educators in Sydney, our tribe returned to Fiona's tree house for a playful celebration of dark tantra. With food, costumes and toys we took turns experimenting with paddles and flogs. What a memorable last night with my tribe in Australia.
Please note these playful, performative photos have nothing to do with the conference and do NOT represent the international school of temple arts.
unfortunately, the conference was so intense and immersive that I don't have a single photo of the amazing land, conference center, or phenomenal teachers. The scope and magnitude of learning and healing that happened here is a confirmation that I am on my path and living my purpose. I am overflowing with gratitude to Baba Dez and the sedona temple for it's global mission to bring more heaven to earth.
Please note these playful, performative photos have nothing to do with the conference and do NOT represent the international school of temple arts.
unfortunately, the conference was so intense and immersive that I don't have a single photo of the amazing land, conference center, or phenomenal teachers. The scope and magnitude of learning and healing that happened here is a confirmation that I am on my path and living my purpose. I am overflowing with gratitude to Baba Dez and the sedona temple for it's global mission to bring more heaven to earth.
Thursday, January 7
Schedule for Sacred Sex Conference in Australia
2nd Annual Australasian Sex and Consciousness Conference. A Gathering for Sacred Sexuality Healers, Teachers & Practitioners
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM Registration
12:00 PM – 1:00PM Opening Circle
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM FRANCES AMAROUX -Succulent, Sacred Relationships for Singles
2:00 - 3:00 PM ABE MOSES - An Experiential Introductory HAI Session
3:00 – 3:15 PM Afternoon Tea
3:15 - 4:00 PM JANINE MCDONALD - Sexuality and the dark moon
4:15 – 4:45 PM MICHAEL – Watsu Demonstration
4:45 – 5:45 PM KAMALA DEVI -A Taste of Tantra Theater
5:45 – 7:00 PM WISDOM CIRCLE – Closing Circle
7:00 PM Dinner
8:30 PM – 11:00 PM Ecstatic Dance Optional Activity – DVD Showing of Sex Magic
7:30 AM – 8:30 RAMA MAYA Kundalini Yoga
8:30 AM - 9:30 Breakfast
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Registration
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM Opening Circle
10:15 AM –11:15 AM CYNTHIA CONNOP Living Love – a journey from sex to love
11:15 AM- 11:45 Morning Tea
11:45 - 12:45 BABA DEZ - Holographic Healing
12:45 PM – 1:00 PM Morning Closing
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Lunch
2:30 - 3:45 PM KENNETH RAY STUBBS- World Premiere Path of the Sexual Shaman: Teachings on Energy, Orgasm, and Wisdom
3:45 - 4:00 PM Afternoon Tea
4:00 – 5:00 PM ANDREW BARNES – Female Orgasm and Sexual Orgasm
5:00 – 6:00 PM WISDOM CIRCLE & Closing Circle
6:00 PM Dinner
7:30 PM till 9:30 PM ANNETTE BAULCH & GRAEME SUDHOLZ - Puja Circle: Sex, Love & Beyond Optional Activity – DVD Showing of Kamala Devi’s Earning your Blackbelt in Relationship
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM RAMA MAYA Kundalini Yoga
8:30 AM - 9:30 Breakfast
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Registration
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM Opening Circle
10:15 AM –11:15 AM TRIAMBIKA – Ejaculatory Mastery for men
11:15 AM- 11:45 Morning Tea
11:45 - 12:45 KERRY RILEY - skills and practices of a modern day Dakini.
12:45 PM – 1:00 PM Morning Closing
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Lunch
2:30 - 3:15 PM RAMA MAYA – Judgment, Projection, and Shadow
3:15 - 4:15 PM PETER THOMAS - Sex & the Wheel of Self Worth
4:15 - 4:30 PM Afternoon Tea
4:30 - 5:30 PM DR. O'RAJ - Harnessing Harvesting - Holistic Sacred - Healing and Wellness
5:30 - 6:00 PM Wisdom Circle - Closing circle
See you at these future Conferences:
Sedona, Arizona - May 7-9
Daka/Dakini Conference West
Amsterdam, Holland – October 1-3, 2010
2nd Euro Conference of Sex and Consciousness Educators
Austin, Texas - October 22-24, 2010
Daka/Dakini Conference East
Cape Town, South Africa – December 3-5, 2010
2nd Annual African Conference of Sex and Consciousness Educators
Melbourne, Australia – January 7-9, 2011
3rd Annual Australasian Conference of Sex and Consciousness Educators
Wednesday, January 6
Sacred Sexual Gatherings in Sydney
Here's a few snapshots from our last two talks on traversing the cutting edge of sacred sexual shamanism and the SHAMAN method of Sex Magic. What an amazing experience it is to go half way around the world and encounter my tribe. Whew! Tomorrow we'll show the Sex Magic documentaray and have a discussion, it will be the sixth talk in seven days!
Monday, January 4
New Years Fashion Parade
The Australians don't celebrate halloween, so, they use most every other holiday as an opportunity to let their alter egos play...On New Years eve we decided to dress up (or rather, dress down) for the annual new Years Fashion parade. We went with the "eyes wide shut" theme, and did a sexy little dance in front of hundreds of cheering fans in the market square. They didn't have a tantric category, so we signed up as "Johnny Depp look-alikes" and performed after a bunch of pirates. Little Devin was a big star with his wizards costume and magic wand. Michael held him on his shoulder and paraded before the three women who did sexy stripper moves. I'm bummed that we don't have any actual pictures of the parade but there were other amazing costumes such as zebras and mud people, sexy nurses, cross dressers and whole body condoms. A truly memorable way to start the new year!
By Kamala Devi, Author of Don't Drink the Punch, Sacred Sexual Healing, Tantra Teacher and Sacred Sex and Open Relationship Coach www.BlissCoach.com
By Kamala Devi, Author of Don't Drink the Punch, Sacred Sexual Healing, Tantra Teacher and Sacred Sex and Open Relationship Coach www.BlissCoach.com
Australia's Version of Burning Man
This annual new years festival is called ConFest and it's a magical gatherings out in the Bush between Sydney and Melborn. There were at least 2K that attended this year including our little tantric tribe Michael, Devin, Natasha, Maya, Dez, and our hosts Fiona and Tracy Lynn. We magically manifested a big motor home and set off for a big adventure, which included all kinds of obstacles....
First we couldn't find our keys. Then there was something wrong with the fuel injector and the engine wouldn't start. After the Australian road service came to the rescue, we ran out of gas. We lost power on our mobile phone and got seperated from from our caravan. But when we finally arrived we found a beautiful camping space right on the water to park our van, complete with 24 hour live drumming and lots of little kids for Devin to run around with.
The trials continued even after we arrived. We lost our hostess Fiona, Devin got dehydrated on day 2 and I was struck with intense anxiety.
It took about three days to drop into the magic of the festival, and then we started offering talks on polyamory, tantra and sex magic and there were hundreds of eager kindred spirits. Our talks were some of the most popular there and it was profound to be received so deeply by kindred spirits. We also experienced sound healing with dijdredoos and a high quality one man show by Simon Oats from Melborn.
My highlight: The depths of surrender and bonding with my tantric family. I had the experience of living in a freedom based love tribe (with my son!) for a whole week.
My lowlight: Stalking myself in story of seperation; feeling my need for structure and order were not met or celebrated. (Which ofcourse lead to my hightlight and quantum levels of great surrender.)
Hope you're having a wonder-filled new year!
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