Wednesday, August 19

Some recommended relationship reflections.

When I take on a couples for relationship coaching, I ask them to prepare for our session by journaling and meditating on the following questions:

What do you like about your relationship(s)?

What don’t you like about your relationship(s)?

How is that affecting you ?

What would you like your relationship to look like ideally?

How would your life be different if you realized this ideal?

What challenges you from accomplishing that outcome?

How do you think tantra or coaching could help you?

Finally, one of the deepest coaching questions that I invite you to meditate, journal, and talk about is: What is it about MYSELF, in regards to this other person (or people, or situations) that I am resisting? This inquiry is the beginning of shadow work and can ultimatly stop the unhealthy but common pattern of relationship projection. Just reading these questions will not give you the benifits of actually journaling. Remeber, true transformation starts with self-awareness. Enjoy, KD

Bliss Coach 858-272-2254

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