Wednesday, April 22

New Post Conference Flyer

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Advanced Sacred Sexuality Intensive for Teachers and Practitioners
5 Day Post Conference in Sedona, AZ
Monday May 11 – Friday May 15, 2009

This intensive is a full-on immersion experience. We live, breathe, talk, act, eat, sleep and dream sacred sexuality. Study and practice with a dozen master teachers from 10am until 9pm Daily. Each evening, we will create an intention circle to practice, play, mingle, dance,relax and connect at the temple.

Teachers and Topics:

JOAN & THOMAS HEARTFIELD: Holotropic Breathwork
MARE SIMONE: Running Orgasmic Energy
ANNA MARTI: Showing Up for Whatever Shows Up
SHARON MAUDLIN: Birth into Being
DAVID CATES: Seven Stages of Consciousness
BETTY MARTIN: Accessing your Clients Needs
DESTIN GEREK: Expressing Your Eroticism
SHAWN ROOP: Integrating the Chakras
REiD MIHALKO: Foundations of Facilitation
(Scroll down for teacher bios)

This is advanced work and be assured that our focus is on personal empowerment, not promiscuity or casual sex. We welcome beings of all sexual orientations and relational persuasions (solo, couples, triads, etc.).

We begin with creating awareness, healing and skills in your own body, and then build on that to develop the skills needed to assist your clients/students.

Experiences include the physical, personal, emotional and transcendent, and then return again to very practical step-by-step skills of creating a safe, effective and satisfying session.

Our intention is to make this experience as practical and personal as possible for those who are on the path of sacred sexuality.

The event takes place at the Sedona Temple School in West Sedona, and out on the land in various sacred power spots. Tuition includes all sessions, teachings, all meals and lodging (double occupancy) are included. $2500 per person. To reserve your space, we need a deposit of $1000. If you feel you are ready to take this next step in your journey with sacred sexuality, please contact us for a mutual interview.
P.O. Box 3206
Sedona, AZ 86340

Here are just some of the topics that we may explore:

What happens as we release deeper layers of guilt and shame?
Where do we create boundaries and separation, inside ourselves and with the outer world?
Which boundaries are healthy, and which are limiting?
How can we create safe space for ourselves and each other?
How can we handle the vulnerability of fully expressing our desires?

What are our hidden, and visible, sexual wounds?
How can we release our sexual wounding stories from heart, mind and body?
How can we facilitate profound sexual healing for ourselves and others?

What exactly is the divine masculine, and how can we embody it?
What exactly is the divine feminine, and how can we embody it?
How can we create Sacred Union within ourselves, and with our partners?
How much bliss can we handle in one lifetime?

What is the true relationship of heart and sex in our culture?
What unconscious, unspoken relational agreements sabotage our search for spiritual liberation?
How do feelings of jealousy, envy, possessiveness, anger, fear and insecurity interfere with sexual empowerment?
How are those very feelings the path to true and total presence?

Here are some of the skills that we develop:

Assess and understand your current physical and emotional state
Notice, acknowledge, trust and express your desires
Notice, acknowledge, trust and express your boundaries, limits and choices
Respond with respect and self-responsibility
Receive attention and support with gratitude and vulnerability
Give attention and support with generosity and skill
Guide a client into a clear, mutual and safe agreement
Create a strong container for sacred ritual
Clarify and maintain your role in the session
Basic touch and bodywork skills 928-282-8511 P.O. Box 3206 Sedona, AZ 86340 E-mail:

1 comment:

Blogger said...

I'll bet you won't guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that gets rid of joint and back pain, anxiety and excessive fat.

This "hidden primal muscle" is in your body and will boost your energy levels, immune system, sexual energy, strength and athletic performance when developed.