Have you ever felt torn between work and prayer?
Should I do my dharma or my devotional practice?
My new lover recently introduced me to an ancient story that shed a new light on one of my deepest dilemmas.
This story is from the Vishnu Purana:
"Once Narada who always chants 'Narayana' wanted to be sure from the Lord himself that he is the number one disciple. Hence he asked: 'Lord Vishnu, who is your best and dearest disciple'?
'Come Narad, I will show you'. Vishnu took Narad to a small village on earth where a farmer was living. The Lord asked Narad to watch what the farmer was doing for a day. The farmer remembered the Lord thrice in a day - immediately after waking up, before lunch and before going to bed. Mahavishnu said the farmer is his dearest disciple.
Surprised, Narad said, Lord, I have been chanting your name always and this farmer thought of you only thrice a day. In reply, Mahavishnu took Narad to a nearby hill. He put a pot full of oil on the head of Narad and told him to go around the hill once but the oil should not be spilled. With great difficulty Narad went around the hill and was in front of the Lord after accomplishing the job allotted to him.
Then Mahavishnu asked Narad, while going round the hill how many times did you chant my name? Not even once, replied Narad honestly.
Now that is the difference between you and the farmer. Your duty is to chant my name only. When I gave you something else to do, you forgot me. While farming was the duty allotted to the farmer. Even during his strenuous job he remembers me thrice in a day. That is why I said he is my dearest disciple.
Ashamed, Narad bowed before the Lord and sought his forgiveness.
(Souce: Posted on the Open forum Central Chronical by jiv Nair)
On a personal note, this story shed a new light on my experience of postpartum depression.
After many months of blissful pregnancy where my only job was to be in communion with the growing spirit within me, taking care of a new human being felt like the lord had handed me a pot asked me to walk around without spilling a drop. I was devastated by my inability to maintain Her presence. The awesome responsibility of motherhood often felt like a distraction to my devotion.
The healing gift within this metaphor is that I remember that God hasn't gone anywhere. My attention may be fully focused on my son and family, but as long as I manage to stop, pray and listen few times throughout the day, my deep devotion flows through. Here's the prayer that is in my heart, right now:
Dear God/Goddess and all that is,
Gratitude for this life, and the miracle of birthing another through me. Please help to see beyond the duality of service vs. sadhana in motherhood. Clearly my work as a mom is deeply devotional, but something about potty training and tripping on plastic toys, maintains a convincing illusion that the mundane is still somehow separate from the sacred. I know many women who treat their children as their spiritual gurus, God, forgive me for envying them.
As a Tantra teacher I've been blessed to experience the divinity in every client that comes to my temple. Please help me accept all parts of parenting which, like my Tantra practice, truly is Gods work.
In your service,
Kamala Devi
Thursday, July 29
Saturday, July 24
Without longing...
and opened my heart
and within that instant
we were no longer separate
your essence exploded
in my chest
through my veins
and pulsed in my ear
against my pillow
I heard Love
only Love
within that instant
we were no longer separate
there was no longing
no separation
not even a we
Until I awoke
I opened my eyes
and grasped for that Love
too distant now to recall
I was back
and so were you
but we were apart
each of us
a part
of a larger

Friday, July 23
Enlightenment is a Bitch by Dana Cervine
At first it isn't so bad- a taste of ecstasy,
the world covered in honey. Even snails
scrawl the names of buddhas with their silvery trails.
But then, too much. Pears become unbearable,
wet white flesh so tender one could perish
contemplating the first taste.
Meditation becomes oddly redundant,
attention now like water, absorbed in tree root,
plumbing; even fire hydrants with their red
stubby arms become mandalas, and, worse,
the police siren revving its wail behind
my slow moving car sounds like a mantra.
Even my wife's complaints about me finally
sound true. I just bow. Kiss her slender hands.
Carry the garbage outside, but, damn! The moon!
Dana Cervine
the world covered in honey. Even snails
scrawl the names of buddhas with their silvery trails.
But then, too much. Pears become unbearable,
wet white flesh so tender one could perish
contemplating the first taste.
Meditation becomes oddly redundant,
attention now like water, absorbed in tree root,
plumbing; even fire hydrants with their red
stubby arms become mandalas, and, worse,
the police siren revving its wail behind
my slow moving car sounds like a mantra.
Even my wife's complaints about me finally
sound true. I just bow. Kiss her slender hands.
Carry the garbage outside, but, damn! The moon!
Dana Cervine
Thursday, July 22
Ready for the Final Round? 2010

Tantra Theater Presents:
What's Your Story?
Featuring original work by Shawn Roop, Rita Mooney, Michael McClure, Akasha Rose, Brande Faris, Keith Davis, Rae NeWoman, Wayne Acciacca, and Viraja Prema. Directed by Kamala Devi.
This will be our final show of the year at our downtown location!
We will be using song, dance, comedy movement and poetry to explore sacred sexual themes such as: Orgasm, alchemy, devotion, co-dependence, fidelity, free love, motherhood, and embodied enlightenment.
Our mission is to transmute sexual guilt shame and fear into art, healing and liberation. Join our juicy tantra community to celebrate the biggest and best show of the year!
Tickets are only $20 at the door. Or $15 if you pre-purchase on event brite http://tantratheaterstory.eventbrite.com/
or from an Tantra Theater cast or crew member.
Location: Red Lotus Society/ Ideal Hotel 542 Third St. Downtown San Diego, 3 hour Free Parking with validation at Horton Plaza (Be sure to Validate before the show!!!) Join us at Brian's in Hillcrest for a Cast party afterwards!
For registration questions email Kali Das ॐ at TantrikaKaliDas@gmail.com
Wednesday, July 21
$50 Off Coupon for Couples

You are invited to a historic spiritual event. We will be creating intentional community for 4 days in a garden paradise in San Diego on Oct. 8-11th. This Year's theme is "SACRED SEXUAL SHAMANISM." You will receive transmissions from 10 powerful tantra teachers from San Diego, Hawaii, Seattle, LA and New York. We'll kick off on Friday night with a sensual puja led by master Francoise, and then will continue all day on Saturday, Sunday and Monday afternoon with this powerful line up of teachers: Dave Cates, Jaiya Ma, Kirin Khalsa, Liquid Bowls, Reid Mihalko, Robert Silber, and Shawn Roop Kamala Devi will be your coach and Mistress of Ceremonies. Each teacher will be living in resident community for the duration of the retreat.
The weekend is an immerse intentional community experience in an 11 acre natural healing estate (clothing optional) with 2 spas, a pool, trails, fountains, orchards and an outdoor amphitheater where Tantra Theater will perform under the stars. In the evenings, we'll have a transformative Tantra Theater Performances followed by sacred sensual play parties and shamanic journeys!
REGISTRATION: Admission for this retreat is very limited (only 64 participants) The entire three nights and four days is only $397...That's right. Tuition includes all ten classes, parties, and basic accommodations which are dormitory sleeping or camping at a beautiful healing retreat center. You must be CRAZY to not take advantage of this offer. Best accommodations are awarded on a first come, first serve basis…We are about half full. Early Bird Discount: Register together and get $50 off each!
For details go to: http://www.partnerplayshop.com/9_9_09.html
Tuesday, July 20
The Self Love Show & Book Release Party Review with Photos
At the beginning of every show, the cast gathers in sacred circle to call in muses and dedicate the show to a higher power. This month we called in the self. It's a pretty standard practice to call on ones "higher self" and intend to align with our divine expression...we've all done this before. The challenge is to embrace the small self. To honor and trust that whatever we say or do is in fact perfect and though we may be able to do better in the future, we are always doing the best we can in the moment.
This is the spirit with which we began the SELF LOVE SHOW on July 17th, 2010. With over 108 people in the house, we set a new record for Audience attendance.
Here Kamala Devi introduced the cast of Tantra Theater: From Left to Right: Michael McClure, Keith Davis, Wayne Acciacca, Rae NewWoman, Viraja PreMa, Brande Feris, Akasha Rose, Rita Mooney, Keith Davis and our recently published author, Shawn Roop.
We began by interviewing and spoofing the new Author of "Pathways to Love: 28 days to Self Love."
In this photo you see that we gave away 28 books to the first people who bought tickets for the show. Kamala also interviewed Shawn's beautiful roommates Tracey and Beth, asking them what it was like to live with Shawn while he was writing the book.
Since we do not censor ourselves in this practice many of our scenes break cultural taboos and speak the unspeakable as you can see in this homoerotic scene between two brothers.
Rita then stepped onstage to portray her like a caged cougar pacing a new apartment while the father of the baby slept by the tub. Her Brother then showed up to photograph while neighbors peeped in through missing curtains. Within 5 hours, Michael slipped right out from between Rita's legs and Her higher self showed up for spiritual support. Alexandra said afterwards that it was a very healing experience to watch and she said she never felt so heard!
During the second act, we shared three scripted personal narratives. Rae NeWoman wrote and performed a hilarious original song about a massage therapist who is unsatisfied with the traditional ending of the healing and uses tantra to create lasting satisfaction for herself and her clients.
Viraja PreMa shares a different type of healing session in which she shape shifts into a man and explores the need to have one's seed seen, celebrated and accepted.
This is the spirit with which we began the SELF LOVE SHOW on July 17th, 2010. With over 108 people in the house, we set a new record for Audience attendance.
Here Kamala Devi introduced the cast of Tantra Theater: From Left to Right: Michael McClure, Keith Davis, Wayne Acciacca, Rae NewWoman, Viraja PreMa, Brande Feris, Akasha Rose, Rita Mooney, Keith Davis and our recently published author, Shawn Roop.
We began by interviewing and spoofing the new Author of "Pathways to Love: 28 days to Self Love."
In this photo you see that we gave away 28 books to the first people who bought tickets for the show. Kamala also interviewed Shawn's beautiful roommates Tracey and Beth, asking them what it was like to live with Shawn while he was writing the book.

This evening was also unique because it was an initiation for six new Tantra Theater players to do public performance alongside our professional troupe. Here is a picture of Kamala Introducing the newbies: 
We then called on audience members to select a series of improvisational theater games. And we asked for tantric suggestions and had to work themes like: Virgins, videography, Kama Sutra, Editor, Zimbabwe.
Since we do not censor ourselves in this practice many of our scenes break cultural taboos and speak the unspeakable as you can see in this homoerotic scene between two brothers.
Alexandra from the audience came up to share a story about Self Love so that we could act it out onstage. Nobody in the cast had ever heard the marvelous story of how Alexandra had an unassisted home birth.
Rita then stepped onstage to portray her like a caged cougar pacing a new apartment while the father of the baby slept by the tub. Her Brother then showed up to photograph while neighbors peeped in through missing curtains. Within 5 hours, Michael slipped right out from between Rita's legs and Her higher self showed up for spiritual support. Alexandra said afterwards that it was a very healing experience to watch and she said she never felt so heard!
During the second act, we shared three scripted personal narratives. Rae NeWoman wrote and performed a hilarious original song about a massage therapist who is unsatisfied with the traditional ending of the healing and uses tantra to create lasting satisfaction for herself and her clients.
Viraja PreMa shares a different type of healing session in which she shape shifts into a man and explores the need to have one's seed seen, celebrated and accepted.
Finally the show closes with a sensual Tori Amos inspired song written with tantric lyrics and sung by the stunning priestess Brande Feris.
We hope you'll join us for our next Big show, the last official Tantra Theater Show for the Season: What's Your Story? on Aug. 21st go to http://www.tantratheater.tv/ for details.Wednesday, July 14
Sneak Peek of Tantra Theater...

We are beginning promotions for our next and final show of the season. As a bonus to our performance at "The Self Love Show and book release party!" this Saturday, we will be offering a sneak preview of 3 powerful scripted pieces that were developed during the development of our next show entitled "What's Your Story?"
Rae NeWoman is doing a powerful narrative about a massage therapist who laments that her formal training didn't teach her how to conduct satisfying endings. Virja PreMa shares a vulnerable narrative of how one client overcomes sexual addiction and learns to accept himself. And Brande' sings a burlesque ditty about the wonders of mutual orgasm.
Additionally all nine performers will be making a guest appearance during our improvisation. We welcome Keith, Wayne, Brande', Akasha Rose, Viraja PreMa, and Rae NeWomanto take a maiden voyage onstage at the Red Lotus Society/ Ideal Hotel Downtown San Dieg. To get discounted tickets go to: http://selfloveshow.eventbrite.com/
See you at the Theater!
Kamala Devi
Tuesday, July 13
Top 10 Self Love Quotes
1. "I don't like myself, I'm crazy about myself"--Mae West
2. "If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself."--Barbara De Angelis
3. "You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere."--annonymous
4. "To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance"-- Oscar Wilde
5. "He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals."-- Benjamin Franklin
6. "You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world."--Lucille Ball
7. "Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again." --Joseph Campbell
8. "Self-love seems so often unrequited." -Anthony Powell
9. "I'd rather be able to face myself in the bathroom mirror than be rich and famous." --Ani DiFranco
10. "I am what I am..." --Popeye the Sailor Man
These quotes were gathered in honor of the SELF LOVE SHOW this Saturday at 7:30 at a hip Downtown San Diego venue. For discount Tickets go to http://www.tantratheater.tv/ Also note you can find 28 more fantastic quotes in Shawn Roops new book: "Pathways to Love" which will be available at the show. Enjoy!
Monday, July 12
Learning about the birds and the bees...
Here is a happy bunch of guinea pigs. We spent the weekend in a pilot course called the "Quodoshka Intensive" guided by two wise and wonderful women: Mukee Okan and Amara Charles. With well over 20 years experience in the "sweet medicine path" these women were called to offer an exceptional two day training which combined some of their favorite teachings from the Q1.
Some benifits from attending this expiriment include:
A multidimensional understanding of our orgasmic potential
A deep appreciation of the variety of human body types
A direct experience of sexuality as a natural human gift.
Human sex is very different from that of birds and bees...among other distinctions, it can include language, romance, and all kinds of social programming. It also has the potential to catalyze, passion, love, health, magic and a deeper connection to God. This weekend was dedicated to celebrating and integrating our animal body with our divine nature.
Help us vision a world where every teenager gets this kind of training as a rite of passage when they move through puberty. Imagine the safety and sweetness of a world where we are empowered to our potential as lovers. Aho!
For more details about Amara Charles go to: tp://www.NourishingArts.com and
Mukee Okan: http://www.spiritfireproductions.com/
Or for a calendar of tantra events in San Diego go to: http://www.partnerplayshop.com/event_calendar.html

Thursday, July 8
Bonus Joke reel from Kamala and Reid's new DVD
"Earning your BLACKBELT in Relationship" has never been so much FUN! To purchase the complete DVD go to: http://www.partnerplayshop.com/store.html
Get Intimate Power Now by learning 10 Secret Exercises of Ethical Non-Monogamous Ninjas. Never has working on your love life been more fun or insightful than in this playful DVD! Two powerful (and humorous) sex and relationship experts join forces to teach you black belt-level secrets. These communication techniques, tips and tricks could make a Ninja swoon! Kamala and Reid teach powerful but simple exercises gleaned from years of successfully navigating several relationships at once! Whether you're polyamorous, monogamous, single, or beyond labels, you are bound to become a better lover from watching this DVD. Watch this DVD and stop getting your ass kicked in your relationships!
Get Intimate Power Now by learning 10 Secret Exercises of Ethical Non-Monogamous Ninjas. Never has working on your love life been more fun or insightful than in this playful DVD! Two powerful (and humorous) sex and relationship experts join forces to teach you black belt-level secrets. These communication techniques, tips and tricks could make a Ninja swoon! Kamala and Reid teach powerful but simple exercises gleaned from years of successfully navigating several relationships at once! Whether you're polyamorous, monogamous, single, or beyond labels, you are bound to become a better lover from watching this DVD. Watch this DVD and stop getting your ass kicked in your relationships!
Wednesday, July 7
Your consciousness
Your consciousness
is the container I crave
I long to stretch my roots
into the moist earth,
arching towards life
drooping from death,
tangling my way
towards her luminous
Your infinite permission
contrasts with the consumptive
judgements of my customary canister
which threatens to strangle me
In your beauty-filled eyes
freedom fills my branches
I span a fresh horizon with
my outstreched limbs trembling
by the breath of the wind
I suck dew drops
from my fingertips
while singing gratitude
for your
is the container I crave
I long to stretch my roots
into the moist earth,
arching towards life
drooping from death,
tangling my way
towards her luminous
Your infinite permission
contrasts with the consumptive
judgements of my customary canister
which threatens to strangle me
In your beauty-filled eyes
freedom fills my branches
I span a fresh horizon with
my outstreched limbs trembling
by the breath of the wind
I suck dew drops
from my fingertips
while singing gratitude
for your
Tuesday, July 6
Nothing can shatter this Love
can shatter this
For even if you took another
into your arms,
the truth is my dear,
you would still
be kissing
Author Unknown.
At the back of my dog-eared Hafiz book, "The Subject tonight is Love" Ladinsky offers several "bonus Poems" which he attirbutes to Rumi, Mira, Kabir, Tukaram and Hafiz. The author teases: "I'm not saying who is singing what here, let your ears guess." Well, my ears recognize the oneness...but I still long for specifics. If anyone knows who wrote this poem PLEASE fill me in!
can shatter this
For even if you took another
into your arms,
the truth is my dear,
you would still
be kissing
Author Unknown.
At the back of my dog-eared Hafiz book, "The Subject tonight is Love" Ladinsky offers several "bonus Poems" which he attirbutes to Rumi, Mira, Kabir, Tukaram and Hafiz. The author teases: "I'm not saying who is singing what here, let your ears guess." Well, my ears recognize the oneness...but I still long for specifics. If anyone knows who wrote this poem PLEASE fill me in!
Sunday, July 4
Sacred snuggle: Let Freedom Ring!
We rang in independence day 2010 during the midnight closing circle after our Sacred Snuggle Party. This 4th of July is special to me because it marks the 4 year anniversary owning the Emerald Temple where we host these magical monthly events.
This evening was unique for several reasons.It started a bit late because of the holiday traffic and parking issues, but the quality of the potluck and conversation was unparalleled. We shared many rich and beautiful memories including some dramatic"butt bongo" to Micky Hart's Drumming CD.
As the hostess, I'm always content to see a room full of responsible sensualists who taking care of themselves. When I'm not too busy "holding space" I have the luxury of observing my own process. And though I've facilitated almost 50 snuggle parties since we've bought this home, I still have my own "stuff" that occasionally comes up.
At one point early in the evening, I watched a beautiful man and woman becoming intimate and felt myself contract, feeling left out. I wanted to be closer to them and feel what they are feeling, but thought they might prefer being left alone. Then I took a few breaths and asked if I could join them. And not only did they welcome me in, but they were grateful that I shared my process with them. I'm so blessed to be maintaining a space where conscious people can come together and accept everything that arises in the process and practice of being human. My highest intention in throwing these events is not only emotional freedom so that we are no longer run by guilt, fear and shame, but ultimately sexual liberation.
My highlight of the evening was when the newbie's reported feeling empowered by the opportunity to practice asking for what they really want, and being clear about their personal boundaries. One participant wrote me this morning: "Thanks for another wonderful snuggle party, each one is new and unique in its own way. The energy is always wonderful."
Next month I'll be celebrating the summer by offering two Sacred Parties...one standard snuggle party on Aug. 8th. and one advanced Sacred Sexual Play Party on Aug. 14th. This event is by invitation only, so if your interested, please email me about your tantra experience at play parties: tantrikakalidas@gmail.com. I look forward to snuggling with you again soon!
Love, KD
http://www.blisscoach.com/ or call 858-272-2254
July 8-11 Quodoshka Weekend Retreat!
July 15 Tantra Talk (Shawn Roop) 6:45
July 17 Tantra Theater Show Downtown7:30
July 22 Poly Potluck 6:45pm
Aug. 7 Sacred Snuggle Party 6:45
Aug. 12 Tantra Talk: Sexual Creativity 6:45
Aug. 13 Bisexual Women's Circle 6:45
Aug. 14 Advanced Sacred Play Party 6:45 (Invite Only)
Aug. 19 How to write a book Tele-class 1pm
Aug. 21 Tantra Theater Show: What's your Story?
10-10-10 Tantra Palooza: 10 Teachers share on ShamanismFor details go to: http://www.partnerplayshop.com/event_calendar.htmlWeekly blog updates: http://www.uninhibitedbliss.blogspot.com/For erotic edu-tainment go to: http://www.tantratheater.tv/
This evening was unique for several reasons.It started a bit late because of the holiday traffic and parking issues, but the quality of the potluck and conversation was unparalleled. We shared many rich and beautiful memories including some dramatic"butt bongo" to Micky Hart's Drumming CD.
As the hostess, I'm always content to see a room full of responsible sensualists who taking care of themselves. When I'm not too busy "holding space" I have the luxury of observing my own process. And though I've facilitated almost 50 snuggle parties since we've bought this home, I still have my own "stuff" that occasionally comes up.
At one point early in the evening, I watched a beautiful man and woman becoming intimate and felt myself contract, feeling left out. I wanted to be closer to them and feel what they are feeling, but thought they might prefer being left alone. Then I took a few breaths and asked if I could join them. And not only did they welcome me in, but they were grateful that I shared my process with them. I'm so blessed to be maintaining a space where conscious people can come together and accept everything that arises in the process and practice of being human. My highest intention in throwing these events is not only emotional freedom so that we are no longer run by guilt, fear and shame, but ultimately sexual liberation.
My highlight of the evening was when the newbie's reported feeling empowered by the opportunity to practice asking for what they really want, and being clear about their personal boundaries. One participant wrote me this morning: "Thanks for another wonderful snuggle party, each one is new and unique in its own way. The energy is always wonderful."
Next month I'll be celebrating the summer by offering two Sacred Parties...one standard snuggle party on Aug. 8th. and one advanced Sacred Sexual Play Party on Aug. 14th. This event is by invitation only, so if your interested, please email me about your tantra experience at play parties: tantrikakalidas@gmail.com. I look forward to snuggling with you again soon!
Love, KD
http://www.blisscoach.com/ or call 858-272-2254
July 8-11 Quodoshka Weekend Retreat!
July 15 Tantra Talk (Shawn Roop) 6:45
July 17 Tantra Theater Show Downtown7:30
July 22 Poly Potluck 6:45pm
Aug. 7 Sacred Snuggle Party 6:45
Aug. 12 Tantra Talk: Sexual Creativity 6:45
Aug. 13 Bisexual Women's Circle 6:45
Aug. 14 Advanced Sacred Play Party 6:45 (Invite Only)
Aug. 19 How to write a book Tele-class 1pm
Aug. 21 Tantra Theater Show: What's your Story?
10-10-10 Tantra Palooza: 10 Teachers share on ShamanismFor details go to: http://www.partnerplayshop.com/event_calendar.htmlWeekly blog updates: http://www.uninhibitedbliss.blogspot.com/For erotic edu-tainment go to: http://www.tantratheater.tv/
Saturday, July 3
New Quodoshka INTENSIVE: reduced time and price
Happy Independence Weekend!
We have over 31 beautiful people registered for tonight's sacred snuggle party. If you are joining us, please COME EARLY to find parking and be prepared to walk a couple blocks, as there are usually lots of parties by the beach!
I'm writing today to announce an exciting new development. Next weekend's QOUDOUSHKAhas been intensified...and there is a radical discount:
The Two Day Intensive Quodoushka in Solana Beach FOR SINGLES & COUPLES * July 10 - 11with Mukee Breezes Love and Amara Keeps the Fire
A RARE WEEKEND OPPORTUNITY to participate in Spiritual Sexuality teachings from the Shamanic Traditions.Come and experience the essence of the Quodoushka 1 teachings, exercises, and ceremonies.
The cost is — $350 per person/$300 for Q1 graduates /$600 for couples
Saturday, July 10 from 9 am- 10:30 pm and Sunday, July 11 from 9am-5pm. Registration will begin at 8.30 am on Saturday morning.We will enjoy meals together and create a cozy, family-style Quodoushka training. On Sunday, after the Intensive we will go out together to a local restaurant for a celebration.
TO REGISTER NOW & for more information: Mukee: 602.482.9691mukee@spiritfireproductions.com
Amara Charles: 602.820.4661 amaracharles123@gmail.com
We have over 31 beautiful people registered for tonight's sacred snuggle party. If you are joining us, please COME EARLY to find parking and be prepared to walk a couple blocks, as there are usually lots of parties by the beach!
I'm writing today to announce an exciting new development. Next weekend's QOUDOUSHKAhas been intensified...and there is a radical discount:
The Two Day Intensive Quodoushka in Solana Beach FOR SINGLES & COUPLES * July 10 - 11with Mukee Breezes Love and Amara Keeps the Fire
A RARE WEEKEND OPPORTUNITY to participate in Spiritual Sexuality teachings from the Shamanic Traditions.Come and experience the essence of the Quodoushka 1 teachings, exercises, and ceremonies.
The cost is — $350 per person/$300 for Q1 graduates /$600 for couples
Saturday, July 10 from 9 am- 10:30 pm and Sunday, July 11 from 9am-5pm. Registration will begin at 8.30 am on Saturday morning.We will enjoy meals together and create a cozy, family-style Quodoushka training. On Sunday, after the Intensive we will go out together to a local restaurant for a celebration.
TO REGISTER NOW & for more information: Mukee: 602.482.9691mukee@spiritfireproductions.com
Amara Charles: 602.820.4661 amaracharles123@gmail.com
Thursday, July 1
How do you love thyself? Let me count the ways...
The greatest paradox of being a self help teacher is that I am surrounded by perfectly imperfect people who are striving to heal, grow, and change. So many magnificent beings feel they are not good enough. They beat themselves up for every minor imperfection. They don't trust their inner guru. Some are so busy looking for external approval that they don't even see the love of their life, waiting to be noticed-- in the mirror.
Do any of these conditions sound familiar? Yes, I'm talking about you, me, and all of human nature. Personally, I tend to get down on myself because my spelling sucks, I have strong body odor, and my yoga practice isn't what it was. Yet I persist in sending out these typo-ridden monthly newsletters, hosting intimate gatherings without perfume and I trust someday I'll align my asanas practice again.
It's so easy to see patterns in others. As a relationship coach it is painfully obvious how most sex problems stem from lack of self love. And in tantra theater, there would be no self expression if it weren't for self confidence. That is why, I teach artists, and clients that Self love is like a star with the following five points. How brilliant is your star?
1. SELF WORTH- Put yourself first. Do you value your needs above all else, do you prioritize "me" time?
2. SELF NURTURING- You deserve the best. Do you have fun alone? How can you take better care of yourself?
3. SELF EMPATHY- Listen. Get in touch with your feelings. Trust your intuition. Consult yourself. Do you journal?
4. SELF EXPRESSION -What bold and vulnerable thing would you share if you the fear rejection weren't holding you back?
5. SELF ACCEPTANCE- You are human. Can you forgive yourself for doing the best you can with the resources you have?
I hereby declare July to be Self Love month! Sure, every month, day, and minute is a new opportunity to love thy self, but research tells us that it takes about a month to create a new habit.
Since Tantra teacher, actor, friend Shawn Roop recently released a new book: Pathways to love: 28 days to self love, he will be the guest speaker at the next tantra talk on the 15th and we've decided to dedicate an entire Tantra Theater show to Self Love on the 17th. (The first 28 people to buy tickets get a Free book.)
I'm also excited to announce a weekend intensive that is all about YOU. Quodoshka is a shamanic approach to sacred sexuality that will be held at a private home in Escondido. My beloved and I plan to attend and hope you will join us on this adventure. Please contact Mukee Okan (602.482.9691) for details.
Whether or not you're able to join us for one of these phenomenal events, I hope you love yourself with reckless abandon. You Deserve it!
Love you,
Kamala Devi
Do any of these conditions sound familiar? Yes, I'm talking about you, me, and all of human nature. Personally, I tend to get down on myself because my spelling sucks, I have strong body odor, and my yoga practice isn't what it was. Yet I persist in sending out these typo-ridden monthly newsletters, hosting intimate gatherings without perfume and I trust someday I'll align my asanas practice again.
It's so easy to see patterns in others. As a relationship coach it is painfully obvious how most sex problems stem from lack of self love. And in tantra theater, there would be no self expression if it weren't for self confidence. That is why, I teach artists, and clients that Self love is like a star with the following five points. How brilliant is your star?
1. SELF WORTH- Put yourself first. Do you value your needs above all else, do you prioritize "me" time?
2. SELF NURTURING- You deserve the best. Do you have fun alone? How can you take better care of yourself?
3. SELF EMPATHY- Listen. Get in touch with your feelings. Trust your intuition. Consult yourself. Do you journal?
4. SELF EXPRESSION -What bold and vulnerable thing would you share if you the fear rejection weren't holding you back?
5. SELF ACCEPTANCE- You are human. Can you forgive yourself for doing the best you can with the resources you have?
I hereby declare July to be Self Love month! Sure, every month, day, and minute is a new opportunity to love thy self, but research tells us that it takes about a month to create a new habit.
Since Tantra teacher, actor, friend Shawn Roop recently released a new book: Pathways to love: 28 days to self love, he will be the guest speaker at the next tantra talk on the 15th and we've decided to dedicate an entire Tantra Theater show to Self Love on the 17th. (The first 28 people to buy tickets get a Free book.)
I'm also excited to announce a weekend intensive that is all about YOU. Quodoshka is a shamanic approach to sacred sexuality that will be held at a private home in Escondido. My beloved and I plan to attend and hope you will join us on this adventure. Please contact Mukee Okan (602.482.9691) for details.
Whether or not you're able to join us for one of these phenomenal events, I hope you love yourself with reckless abandon. You Deserve it!
Love you,
Kamala Devi
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